California Traffic Ticket and DUI Attorney / Lawyer Defends All Traffic Tickets or Traffic Violations Including Speeding Tickets, Radar Tickets, Red Light Camera Tickets, License Suspensions, Warrants, DUI, DWI, Drunk Driving, Failure To Appear (FTA), DMV Hearings For Commercial And Non-Commercial Drivers.
Criminal Case Attorney in California
Our firm serves the entire State of California, including Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange County, Ventura, Kern County, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Sacramento, Fresno, San Francisco, Mojave Desert, Shasta, Victorville, Barstow, Coalinga, and Bakersfield.
Areas of Focus
Sex Crimes
Our criminal case attorney in California, Robert B. Hakim, is experienced in defending all sex crimes such as rape, statutory rape, prostitution, pimping, and pandering. Sentencing for sex crimes can vary greatly from probation to mandatory jail or prison terms. In addition to asserting your innocence, minimizing jail penalties and exploring possible sentencing alternatives is crucial.
Theft Crime / White Color Crimes
As a criminal case attorney, we represent clients facing allegations of theft crimes, including embezzlement, credit card/insurance fraud, grand theft, petty theft, and various white-collar crimes. We aim to secure a 'Civil Compromise' for our clients to protect their records, preserve financial interests, and avoid incarceration.
Violent Crimes / Domestic Violence
Handling violent crimes requires a nuanced understanding of criminal law. These offenses encompass assault, terrorist threats, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and homicide. Many times, individuals facing exaggerated charges may not be as guilty as portrayed.
Effective defense strategies often involve presenting the full circumstances to the court and pursuing sentencing alternatives like anger management classes or domestic violence counseling to avoid incarceration. Contact our defense case attorney to learn how we can help you.
Types of Violent Crimes include:
• Mayhem Crimes Against Property • Robbery • Burglary • Extortion • 3 Strikes Cases • Arson • House Burning • Larceny • Embezzlement
Domestic violence cases present unique challenges. Even if a supposed 'victim' wishes to retract charges or prevent them from being pressed, the decision ultimately lies with the district attorney or city prosecutor.
Our law firm represents clients involved in the possession or sale of narcotics in California. We offer various services to help our clients navigate the legal system and avoid serious consequences.
Additionally, we support clients in acquiring drug rehabilitation treatment or medical marijuana certificates as a legal strategy to combat possession charges and avoid incarceration. In state court, first-time offenders may be eligible for Drug Diversion programs, often referred to as 'PC 1000' under the California Penal Code. Participation in these programs can lead to the eventual dismissal of criminal charges upon successful completion of an educational program and maintaining a law-abiding status for two years.
Our legal representation covers a wide range of drug crimes, including but not limited to:
• Possession • Sales • Transportation • Manufacturing • Paraphernalia • Cocaine • Marijuana • Heroin • Methamphetamine • Steroids
Narcotics Sales
Selling narcotics can lead to severe consequences, including forfeiture actions that may result in the loss of assets. Our firm not only defends criminal cases but also fights against forfeiture actions to secure our clients' funds. We provide confidential legal counsel to ensure our clients feel supported throughout the legal process.
Our legal services extend to defending clients facing white-collar crimes such as:
• Embezzlement • Counterfeiting • Forgery • Extortion • Bribery • Perjury • Larceny • Receiving Stolen Property • Theft • Telemarketing • Fraud • Insurance Violations • Tax Evasion / Avoidance • Tax Amnesties
Violent Crimes
For individuals accused of violent crimes, it is crucial to seek legal representation to navigate the serious legal implications. Violent crimes can result in significant penalties, including possible incarceration. Some violent crimes considered under California's 3 Strikes law may have enhanced punishments.
Crimes against a person:
• Assault and/or Battery • Murder • Homicide • Manslaughter • Kidnapping • Rape • Sexual Offense • Carjacking • Mayhem
Crimes against property: • Robbery • Burglary • Extortion • Arson • House Burning • Larceny • Embezzlement
Contact Us
Contact our criminal case attorney for those facing criminal charges or needing legal advice regarding license suspensions. We serve clients across the entire State of California, including various counties and courthouses. We also defend against speeding tickets. Here are a few helpful links for you to learn more about Robert B. Hakim and his services.